Join FLC Youth’s mission to raise $5000 by Dec 20th!

All proceeds go toward EDUPAVI Canada’s mission to empower children and families in Guatemala to learn, be loved, and make an impact in their communities.

Goal: $5000

Last Updated: Dec 20, 2:45pm
  • Donations are accepted via:

    • E-Transfer to info@edupavi.ca (with a memo including the name and grade of the person you are giving to, as well as your email for a tax receipt).

    • Cash (given directly to the person who invited you to donate!)

    • Cheque made out to “EDUPAVI Canada Mission Society” (given directly to the person who invited you to donate!)

    • Credit Card via the button below (with a memo including the name and grade of the person you are giving to)

    *All donations $20+ are eligible for a tax receipt.

  • Click the links below to learn more about:



  • Grab a fundraising sheet from Pastor Nathan and invite your family, friends, family friends, teachers and coaches to take part in this mission through a donation! Let them know your personal goal, and where their money goes.

    Not sure what to say? Click HERE to download a quick EDUPAVI overview.

    Record all the donations you get on your fundraising form, and return it along with your collected cash/cheques to Pastor Nathan before or during the Christmas Banquet!

    All forms need to be returned to Pastor Nathan even if you didn’t get any donations. If you fill a form and need another, please ask Pastor Nathan for another one, don’t photocopy yours!

    The individuals with the top 3 fundraising totals at the end will receive a prize!

*If you give online (credit or e-transfer), please remember to mention the name and grade of the youth who invited you to donate in the memo of your transfer!

Want to make a lasting impact?

Talk to your family about taking part in this mission through a monthly sponsorship!

While we don’t offer sponsorship of individual children (because this can create inequality amongst our students), our monthly sponsors give to our program as a whole - allowing us to reach the children most in need, adapt to changing circumstances, and grow in the way that will best serve our community.

As a crucial part of this mission, monthly donors receive exclusive family stories and updates from children they are supporting!