Newsletter #24: EATS

May 13, 2024

Our beloved EDUPAVI EATS Bake Sale is back, and more delicious than ever!

Click the button below to see our menu and place your order by this Sunday (May 19th). Pick up will be on Sunday May 26th.


Supply is limited so if something looks tempting, place your order sooner than later!
A huge thank you to our volunteer bakers for their time and talents, and for making this event possible.

In other news, a huge congratulations to Connor Chai, who not only completed his first BMO Marathon, but inspired others to empower our students through his race! We're so proud of Connor and the immense effort he showed to show his heart for our students.

Sawyer Payne, our awesome Operations Coordinator, officially started his position with us in March! Along with assisting in Donor Relations and Fundraising, he will be teaching English to our students and supporting team visits.

If you would like to partner with and support him in his work, please click the button below to give a one-time or monthly gift:
*Under "FUND", change "General" to "Sawyer Payne" 

Join Sawyer's Support Team

If you haven't already and would like to help us ensure that all our students receive quality and consistent support in their pursuit of a better future, please consider joining our story as a monthly sponsor. Monthly Sponsors receive family stories and updates from the real people they are positively impacting.

Become a Monthly Sponsor

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more exciting events and updates coming this summer.

Until then,
Team EDUPAVI Canada


Newsletter #25: Fall Event Registrations


Newsletter #23: Onto the Next!